Blacklick News
2024-25 Blacklick Weekly Newsletters
Archived Newsletters
District News & Updates
A special member of the GLHS football team scores the first touchdown of the year.
Our fall sports season has begun! Read important football game information.
Paul Michael Embry serves as the site coordinator for the GRIN free summer lunch program at Royal Manor.
Use this sign for your First Day of School photo.
Subscribers to The Columbus Dispatch can read about 2019 GLHS graduate Mayce Vieta competing in the Paris Olympics for platform diving.
Congratulations to Lexi Lieb!
Welcome Matthew Welsh.
Congratulations to the GLHS Class of 2024!
DECA earns awards at competition.
Summer Safety Tips from Dr. Deagle and Police Chief Spence.
Enjoy Highlights from the Arty Party hosted by the GLHS Community Art Class,
The timeline for the opening of the new GLHS is now set.
Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools is excited and proud to welcome Kevin Klingler as the District’s new Chief Operating Officer (COO).
Ruscilli Construction has been a great partner is helping our students plan for their future.